Chris hosts at Submarine House on Tuesdays.
Q: What is your quest?
A: I seek the Holy Grail.
Q: Where were you born?
A: Detroit, Michigan. I don’t usually begin conversations here with “Hi, my name is Chris and I’m from Michigan.”
Q: What is your favorite city?
A: Not a city, per se, but the great outdoors. I love being among the trees and in/out of a tent.
Q: You can eat at one restaurant for the rest of your life, which would it be?
A: HOOBOI — this is a tough one. Jet’s Pizza? I could do pizza for breakfast, lunch and dinner.
Q: Brownies or cake?
A: Probably cake if I had to choose between these two. Although I have a hard time resisting cookies and any kind of sweets.
Q: If you could invent a holiday, it would be ___________
A: Service Workers Day. They make the world go ’round and they deserve more credit.
Q: What is a word you feel like you invented or should get credit for spreading?
A: I *WISH* I were that creative. I do say “This is why we can’t have nice things” all the time, though.
Q: If you had to torture someone with a pasta shape, what would you choose?
A: Penne. It’s stabby and cheap.
Q: Cats or dogs or life itself???
A: I have had both and I think I’d rather have a cat. Good company most of the time and I don’t have to pick up or step in any poop.
Q: Ok nerd, admit what your nerd expertise is in:
A: VIDEO GAMES. I love love love collecting retro video games and have about 900 in my collection at the moment.
Q: Favorite show on the TGIF lineup (and if you don’t know what that means…just admit you’re too young to survive)
A: Oh gosh, they were all so CAMPY. I want to say Family Matters, but Urkel was just such a shark-jumper after awhile. Perfect Strangers? I’m dating myself here.
Q: Which way does your toilet paper hang on the wall: under or the correct way?
A: Yes. Don’t be a fart-face and not replace the roll. Just make sure there’s some there
Q: What was your favorite toy as a kid?
A: Probably my original Nintendo.
Q: What TV show have you watched too many times?
A: Currently, I discovered The Price is Right: The Barker Era on PlutoTV and watch that sometimes. Before that, I watched Chernobyl on HBO Max. GREAT series.
Q: What is your guilty pleasure song/album/artist?
A: I’m also a DJ, so this is a tough one. I honestly listen to New Age music when I’m not working. My current song on repeat is Joshua Tree by Cautious Clay. I know, I know, I’m still edgy.
Q: What else should we know about you?
A: I’m pretty self-deprecating and witty on the mic, so, if you book me for your trivia party, you’ll get a great time. I can also tap dance and sing, but not very well, so please don’t ask me to do that. PLEASE.